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Author Guidelines
Islamic Review: Jurnal Riset dan Kajian Keislaman invites academics and researchers to submit manuscripts of articles according to the scope of the journal. Manuscripts submitted for publication must follow the following guidelines:
- The original article is not plagiarism, has not been published, and is not under review to be published by another journal.
- Articles written scientifically can be in the form of thought studies or research results in the field of Islamic studies.
- Articles are written in Indonesian or English.
- Using footnotes in writing scientific notation.
- Manuscripts must be free of plagiarism, a maximum of 20% Turnitin plagiarism check.
- Article length between 5,000 – 8,000 words including figures, tables and bibliography.
- The title is concise and clearly describes the research, no more than 15 words.
- Abstracts are written in Indonesian and English no more than 200 words, Abstracts contain a brief description of the problem, research objectives, research methods (data collection techniques and data analysis techniques), research results (referring to the data collected as an attempt to answer research questions) , impact, and conclusion (summary of research findings)
- Keywords contain 3-5 words or phrases that reflect the content of the writing.
- Introduction consists of study background, problem definition, topic novelty, literature review (findings not more than 10 years), and theoretical framework.
- The research method describes the type of research, data collection, and analysis techniques. If a character's or book's thoughts are being researched, the method might be substituted with information on the subject's history.
- The discussion contains discussion of research results and analysis or reasoning of article arguments.
- Conclusions that answer research problems based on theory.
- The minimum number of references is 20 general references and the majority use the latest research articles.
- Writing bibliography/references uses the Turabian Style (fullnote) format using the Mendeley, Zotero, Endnote, and so on applications.
For more details please see template.