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Authors who publish their manuscripts in this Journal agree to the following conditions:
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- The author acknowledges that JIOSE : Journal of Indonesian Sharia Economics has the right to publish for the first time under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
- Authors can enter writings separately, arrange the non-exclusive distribution of manuscripts that have been published in this journal into other versions (eg sent to the author's institutional repository, publication in books, etc.), by acknowledging that the manuscript has been published for the first time on JIOSE : Journal of Indonesian Sharia Economics.
JIOSE : Journal of Indonesian Sharia Economics is published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. This license permits anyone to copy and redistribute this material in any form or format, modify, modify, and make derivative works of this material for any purpose, including commercial purposes, so long as they credit the author for the original work.