Journal title JIOSE: Journal of Indonesian Sharia Economics
Initials JIOSE
Frequency Biannual (Maret and September)
ISSN  2962-3812
ISSN Electronic 2829-1719
Publisher Faculty of Sharia & Islamic Economics Institut Pesantren Mathali'ul Falah Pati in collaboration with Mafapress

JIOSE: Journal of Indonesian Sharia Economics is a scientific journal managed by the Faculty of Sharia & Islamic Economics, Institute Pesantren Mathali'ul Falah (IPMAFA) Pati. This journal, which is published twice a year (March and September) is dedicated to the publication of research results and studies on Islamic Economics. JIOSE: Journal of Indonesian Sharia Economics is a means for disseminating quality research results and studies on Sharia Economics & Business with sub-themes of discussion on Sharia Banking, Islamic Philanthropy, Sharia Finance, Sharia Accounting, Sharia Marketing, and Sharia Management. Manuscripts that are accepted are very open to multidisciplinary studies of the shari'ah economy according to the times.

The manuscript review of JIOSE: Journal of Indonesian Sharia Economics involves professional reviewers according to their scientific fields. The review process is carried out transparently and fairly regardless of race, gender, ethnicity, religion, or group. JIOSE: Journal of Indonesian Sharia Economics provides open access to published articles. Everyone can freely download articles in this journal on the page free of charge.