تحليل المماثلة على الآيات التربوية في القرآن
Assimilation is the process of changing a sound due to the influence of a neighboring sound. This phenomenon occurs in spoken speech as well as in the form of written Arabic texts, including the recitation of Quranic verses. Therefore, understanding assimilation is important for every reader of the Quran to be able to recite it correctly and accurately according to the rules of the Arabic language.One of the important topics mentioned in the Quran is education. The Quran provides guidance and directives on the importance of seeking knowledge, the ethics of teachers and students, and the ultimate purpose of education itself. The verses concerning education are distributed across various chapters of the Quran, such as Al-Isra, Al-Baqarah, At-Tawbah, Aal-Imran, An-Nahl, Al-‘Alaq, and others. This study aims to analyze the phenomenon of assimilation that occurs in Quranic verses related to the topic of education. This research is qualitative in nature, using a descriptive-analytical method. The primary source of data is the Quran, particularly the verses that discuss the topic of education. Data were collected through a literature study and analyzed using content analysis methods. The results of the research indicate that the researcher found 25 instances of assimilation in 8 verses from different chapters related to educational verses in the Quran. There are 10 forms of complete assimilation and 15 forms of partial assimilation. This study contributes to the understanding of the phenomenon of assimilation that occurs in Quranic verses related to the topic of education and deepens the understanding of the unique and distinctive nature of the Arabic language in the Quran.
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