تحليل منهج تعليم اللغة العربية في المدرسة المتوسطة الإسلامية المتكاملة تشاهايا إنساني في تيمانجونج
The Arabic language curriculum constitutes the entirety of language situations, language experiences, and communicative activities offered, prepared, selected, planned, and organized for the learners. The aim of this research is to analyze the Arabic Language Curriculum Model at Cahaya Insani Temanggung Islamic Junior High School (SMP IT). Considering the curriculum in schools is crucial because it forms the foundation of knowledge, skills, and values for students. This helps them develop holistically and be prepared to face challenges in the future. One such curriculum is the Arabic Language curriculum, one of which is implemented at IT Cahaya Insani Junior High School in Temanggung. The Arabic Language curriculum at the school focuses on learning basic skills such as reading, writing, listening, and speaking in Arabic. Additionally, the Arabic Language curriculum also includes an understanding of Arab culture and history. This study employs a qualitative descriptive approach, where the researcher obtains data from interviews and documentation. Data is analyzed using Miles and Huberman's techniques, involving data collection, reduction, and presentation. The research findings indicate that Arabic language is one of the subjects at SMP IT Cahaya Insani Temanggung, utilizing the National Education curriculum.The research aims to analyze and describe the Arabic language curriculum at the Integrated Islamic Junior High School (SMP IT). The primary focus of this research is to understand the curriculum structure, teaching methods, and resources used in teaching Arabic at SMP IT. The study utilizes a qualitative approach by observing the learning process, interviewing Arabic language teachers, and analyzing the prepared curriculum documents. The results of the research show that the Arabic language curriculum at SMP IT has a unique approach based on Islamic values. The teaching methods applied tend to integrate religious aspects and the everyday life context of the students. Additionally, learning resources such as textbooks, multimedia, and other teaching materials are tailored to Islamic principles. However, the research also identifies challenges faced in the implementation of the curriculum, such as limited resources and the continuous need for development to maintain the curriculum's relevance to the evolving needs of the students. Therefore, the results of this research can provide input for the development of the Arabic language curriculum at SMP IT to be more responsive to contemporary demands and ensure that students can master the Arabic language while understanding Islamic values in the context of their education
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