تعلم لغة الشباب العربية وتعليمها في العصر الحديث
Munculnya bahasa anak muda di era modern
The purpose of writing this journal is to find out the language of young people in modern times, which is influenced by the Arabic language Fusha and Amiyah which are used as the language of the native Arabic. The language user is also influenced by Fusha and Amiyah language differences. In this journal the author also describes the language of Egyptian youth in the early twenty-first century, then the language of women in the 11th century which is also considered to affect the language of young people in modern times. The method used by the authors in this journal is to use a library analysis approach that describes using theories supported by valid and up-to-date literature. The results of this journal writing are that the components contained in the contents of this journal are all continuous in influencing the language of young people in modern times.
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