Author Guidelines

Author Guidelines

General Author Guidelines

  1. The manuscript should be written in English or Indonesian, have never been published, not be in the process of submission for publication to other media, and not contain elements of plagiarism.
  2. The manuscript is an original research paper in the field of social studies and community development.
  3. The author should register as an author in Al-I'timad: Jurnal Dakwah dan Pengembangan Masyarakat Islam (for authors who do not have an account). The guides for registering and submitting the paper can be downloaded here.
  4. The manuscript will be published in Al-I'timad: Jurnal Dakwah dan Pengembangan Masyarakat Islam after being reviewed by peer-reviewers.
  5. The manuscript should be prepared according to the following author guidelines and template: The manuscript template can be downloaded here.
  6. Article length should be between 3,500 and 7,000 words, including numbers, tables, and bibliography, and should be typed on B5 paper with Garamond MT letters and 1.5 spacing.

The Guidelines for the Manuscript

  1. Title,  The title of the article, which is about 15 words, gives an overview of the research that has been done (short, straightforward, informative, and interesting). The article title does not contain any uncommon abbreviations. The main ideas should be written first, followed by their explanations.
  2. The author's name, complete without a title, is written and typed below the article title. If the author is more than one person, then add the next row.
  3. Originally, institutions and agencies were written in the name of the institution where they were working (Study Programme, Faculty, University). For example, see the Department of Islamic Community Development, Faculty of Da’wa and Community Development, Institut Pesantren Mathali’ul Falah, Indonesia.
  4. Email address: write that the email address is still active and is listed under the origin of institutions or agencies.
  5. Abstract, written in two languages, namely Indonesian and English. The abstract contains a brief description of the problem (optional), research objectives, methods used, the results of the research, and conclusions (which indicate the main conclusions). Abstract writing pressure is primarily on the research results. Typing the abstract is done with a single space and a narrower margin on the right and left margins of the main text, which has approximately 200 words.
  6. Keywords: 3-5 word keywords.
  7. In the systematics of writing the article, the results of the research are the followingintroduction, research method, results and discussion, conclusions, and bibliography.
  8. Introduction consists of the urgency of research, supporting facts from previous studies, gap analysis, the novelty of the research, and research objectives. Written in one chapter without a subtitle.
  9. Methods contains an explanation of the research approach, subjects of the study, the conduct of the research procedure, the use of materials and instruments, data collection techniques, and analysis techniques. It should be described in detail and operationally in 3-5 paragraphs.
  10. The results presented are important data obtained from the results of data collection in the field (test results, questionnaires, interviews, documents, etc.). The results of the research can be supplemented with tables, images, or graphs to clarify the results. Avoid presenting similar data in separate tables. All tables, images, and graphs must be centered and numbered sequentially. For qualitative research, the results section contains detailed sections in the form of sub-topics that are directly related to the focus of research and categories. 
  11. Discussion. The authors should discuss the results and how they can be interpreted from the perspective of previous studies. The findings and their implications should be discussed in the broadest possible context. Future research directions may also be highlighted. The following components should be covered in the discussion: How do your results relate to the original question or objectives outlined in the Introduction section (what and how)? Do you provide scientific interpretation for each of your results or findings presented (and why)? Are your results consistent with what other investigators have reported? Or are there any differences? The discussion aims to (1) answer the problem formulation and research questions; (2) show how the findings were obtained; (3) interpret findings; (4) link research findings with established knowledge structures; and (5) raise new theories or modify existing theories. This section of the discussion must contain the benefits of the study's results, not the repetition. The analysis must answer the stated gaps.
  12. Conclusions, presented briefly, narratively, and conceptually, that describe the research findings and their effects Avoid using numbering and symbols (bullets and numbers).
  13. Tables should be numbered in the order of presentation (Table 1, etc.). Table titles are written above the table in a center-justified position. The font size used is 11 pt for both table titles and table contents.
  14. Figures are numbered in the order of presentation (Fig. 1, etc.). The image title is placed below the image in the centre position (centre justified). The font used in the image title is 11 pt.

The Guidelines for Citation and References

  • All the served data or quotes in the article taken from other author's articles should be referenced.
  • Writing citations and bibliographies should use application management software such as Mendeley, EndNote, or Zotero.
  • Writing citations and bibliographies using APA format (American Psychological Association) by using the innote writing technique
  • All references used must be taken from the main source (national and international reputable scientific journals).
  • Number of references: at least 20 references.
  • References used should be published in the last 5 years.