دراسة مقارنة في المنهج التربوي بين قسم تعليم اللغة العربية بجامعة IPMAFA وقسم اللغة العربية وأدابها بالمعهد العالي AMTSILATI

  • Nadilla Lathifatun Ni'mah Institut Pesantren Mathali'ul Falah
Keywords: Keywords: Arabic Language Education Curriculum, Arabic Language and Literature Curriculum, IMLA, KKNI


Abstract: This research discusses the comparison of the curriculum of Arabic language education departement and Arabic language and literature education departement in universities, taking into account the Indonesian National Qualifications Framework (KKNI) and using the Standards of the Teachers' Union of the Arabic Language Subject Teachers' Consultative Association (IMLA) as a reference for Graduate Learning Achievements ( CPL). These differences include graduation standards, lecture processes, and lecture programs. The Mathaliul Falah Pati Islamic Boarding School Institute focuses more on aspects of educator development, while Ma'had Aly Amsilati Jepara focuses more on aspects of Arabic language skills and understanding Arab culture. This research aims to investigate differences in curriculum at two universities with Arabic language study programs, namely the Mathaliul Falah and Ma'had Aly Amsilati Islamic Boarding School Institute. The data analysis method follows the three steps proposed by Miles and Huberman. The research results show significant differences between the curricula at the two universities. At the Mathaliul Falah Pati Islamic Boarding School Institute, the curriculum is focused on developing prospective educators who are able to contribute to society as competent Arabic language educators who can adapt in the digital era. Meanwhile, at Ma'had Aly Amsilati Jepara, the curriculum emphasizes the formation of experts in Arabic language, Arabic culture, and understanding Arabic texts contained in Arabic books from the five factors there are goal, subtantion, media, method and strategi, activities and evaluation.


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