نموذج التقويم لتطبيق منهج اللغة العربية على أساس قرار وزير الشؤون الدينية لمدارس المعارف الثّانوية الإسلاميّة بمنطقة جبارا-اندونيسيا
منهج اللغة العربية على أساس قرار وزير الشؤون الدينية لمدارس المعارف الثّانوية الإسلاميّة بمنطقة جبارا-اندونيسيا
Formulating an evaluation tool in need of implementing the curriculum for the process of evaluating the implementation of the curriculum at the practical level in education units. The objectives of this scientific research are: 1) To obtain a model for evaluating the application of the curriculum with specifications for formulating components, aspects, context indicators, inputs, process, product, and outputs (CIPPO) based on the decision of the Minister of Religious Affairs No. 183, 184, 189 and the theory of linguistic performance. 2) Analyzing and measuring the level of validity, reliability, and coefficients of tools for evaluating the application of the curriculum. This scientific research used research and development (R&D) design with the (ADDIE) model, which means analysis, design, development, application, and evaluation. The research results indicated that; (1) The curriculum implementation evaluation model consists of formulating components, aspects and indicators of context, input, process, product and outcome based on the interpretation of the Decree of the Minister of Religious Affairs of 2019 and the theory of linguistic performance. (2) The curriculum application evaluation model developed met the validity test with exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and was tested with a Kaiser Mayer Olkin (KMO) value of 0.361. It is reliable and tested using Cronbach's alpha at 0.818, and meets the level of the expert auditor's evaluation coefficient via Cohen's Kappa test at 0.75 (8,7). (3) The results of the calculation of the average value for all components of the curriculum elements by teachers and school principals indicated that the average value for the contextual and scientific components of the Arabic language curriculum is at a very good level, and that the average value for the curriculum input components is at a good level, and the average value for the curriculum product components is at a very good level. The level is good enough, and the average value for the components of the curriculum outcomes is at a deficient level. The results of the research are that this evaluation model is important as a guideline for evaluating the application of the Arabic language curriculum in the Islamic secondary school to achieve and promote the standards of learning outcomes in learning the Arabic language based on performance in using the language (speech act).
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