Islamic Review: Jurnal Riset dan Kajian Keislaman
Islamic Review: Jurnal Riset dan Kajian Keislaman is an refereed academic journal published by the Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) Institut Pesantren Mathali'ul Falah (IPMAFA) Pati, Indonesia. The Journal was published biannually from 2012 (in April and October). It is a peer-review and open-access journal. The aim of Islamic Review: Jurnal Riset dan Kajian Keislaman is to be a platform for academicians to contribute and share their research works and writings regarding Islamic Studies, especially the topic of the contextualization of Islamic teachings in various fields of life. Particular attention is paid to islamic works dealing with history, geography, political science, economics, anthropology, sociology, law, literature, religion, philosophy, environmental, and local wisdom.
It publishes articles and research papers in Indonesian and English to seeks to place Islam and the Islamic tradition as its central focus of academic inquiry and to encourage comprehensive consideration of its many facets; to promote the diffusion, exchange and discussion of research findings; and to encourage interaction among academics from various traditions of learning. -
Santri: Journal of Pesantren and Fiqh Sosial
Santri: Journal of Pesantren and Fiqh Sosial is a journal published twice a year (June and December) by the Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) Institute of Pesantren Mathali'ul Falah (IPMAFA) Pati. Santri: Journal of Pesantren and Fiqh Sosial publishes articles about pesantren (Islamic Boarding School) in Indonesia from various perspectives, covering both literary and fieldwork studies. The studies include Pesantren Traditions, Development Systems of Pesantren, Pesantren Values, Manuscripts Developing in the Pesantren, The Studies about Kiai and Santri, Pesantren's Relationship with the Community, Contextualization of Fiqh in Pesantren (fiqh sosial), and Pesantren in Responding to Changing Times..
The journal puts emphasis on aspects related to pesantren studies in an Indonesian context, with special reference to culture, diversity, living norms and customs, politics, sociology, psychology, anthropology, economics, history, philosophy, and doctrines. This journal warmly welcomes any contributions from scholars of the related disciplines. -
Dawuh Guru: Jurnal Pendidikan MI/SD
Dawuh Guru: Jurnal Pendidikan MI/SD is an open access and peer-reviewed journal to discuss about new findings in elementary education especially at primary/elementary schools. This journal is publishing original research articles and case studies focused on elementary education. All papers are peer-reviewed by at least two reviewers.
Dawuh Guru: Jurnal Pendidikan MI/SD is published by Department of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Teacher Education, Faculty of Tarbiyah, Institut Pesantren Mathali'ul Falah Pati in collaboration with Indonesian Islamic Elementary Education Lecturers Association (Perkumpulan Dosen PGMI Indonesia). Publishing twice a year, in February and August.
JIOSE: Journal of Indonesian Sharia Economics
JIOSE: Journal of Indonesian Sharia Economics is a scientific journal managed by the Faculty of Sharia & Islamic Economics, Institute Pesantren Mathali'ul Falah (IPMAFA) Pati. This journal, which is published twice a year (March and September) is dedicated to the publication of research results and studies on Islamic Economics. JIOSE: Journal of Indonesian Sharia Economics is a means for disseminating quality research results and studies on Sharia Economics & Business with sub-themes of discussion on Sharia Banking, Islamic Philanthropy, Sharia Finance, Sharia Accounting, Sharia Marketing, and Sharia Management. Manuscripts that are accepted are very open to multidisciplinary studies of the shari'ah economy according to the times.
The manuscript review of JIOSE: Journal of Indonesian Sharia Economics involves professional reviewers according to their scientific fields. The review process is carried out transparently and fairly regardless of race, gender, ethnicity, religion, or group. JIOSE: Journal of Indonesian Sharia Economics provides open access to published articles. Everyone can freely download articles in this journal on the page free of charge.
Tinta Emas: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Anak Usia Dini
Tinta Emas: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Anak Usia Dini is an international, open access, and peer-reviewed journal to discuss about new findings in early childhood education, especially in Muslim society. All papers are peer-reviewed by at least two reviewers.
Tinta Emas: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Anak Usia Dini by Islamic Early Childhood Education Study Program, Faculty of Tarbiyah, Institute of Pesantren Mathali'ul Falah Pati. Publishing twice a year, in May and November.
The scope of Tinta Emas: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Anak Usia Dini is:
- Innovation and technology for children's education
- Early literacy and numeracy
- Educating with nature
- Ethno-cultural parenting
- Inclusive education
- STEAM education
- Child growth and development
- Health, safety, and nutrition in early childhood
- Children's education in Islamic perspective
- Children's relationship with family and Muslim community
Kifah: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
Kifah: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat merupakan jurnal pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang menjadi wadah ilmiah untuk pengabdian yang diterbitkan oleh Mafapress dan dikelola oleh lembaga penelitian dan pengabdian kepada masyarakat (LPPM) Institut Pesantren mathali’ul Falah (IPMAFA) Pati. Kifah: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat mempublikasikan hasil-hasil pengabdian masyarakat yang berbasis riset dengan tema pemberdayaan masyarakat atau kelompok tertentu, pemberdayaan keluarga, pengembangan sekolah/madrasah, penerapan teknologi tepat guna, pendidikan untuk pembangunan berkelanjutan, pelatihan/peningkatan kapasitas, dan inovasi pemberdayaan masyarakat.
Al-I'timad: Jurnal Dakwah dan Pengembangan Masyarakat Islam
I’timad : Jurnal Dakwah dan Pengembangan Masyarakat Islam is to be a platform for academicians to contribute and share their research works and writings regarding community development, community economic development, community empowerment, social advocacy, community assistance, social development, social policy, social problems, socio-entrepreneurs, women empowerment and child protection, CSR, Dakwah bil al-hal and religious moderation
Mu'ashir: Jurnal Dakwah dan Komunikasi Islam
Mu'ashir: Jurnal Dakwah dan Komunikasi Islam is a scientific journal published by the Islamic Communication and Broadcasting Study Program, Faculty of Da'wah and Community Development, Institut Pesantren Mathali'ul Falah (IPMAFA) Pati. The journal, which is published twice a year (May and November), is dedicated to the publication of research results and studies on da'wah and Islamic communication. Mu'ashir: Jurnal Dakwah dan Komunikasi Islam becomes a means of disseminating the results of quality research and studies on Islamic Da'wah and Communication including Islamic Communication, communication strategies, Journalism, Film Studies, Media literacy, New media, and Digital Da'wah.
INTAJIYA: International Journal of Ta'lim al-Lughah al-'Arabiyyah
INTAJIYA: International Journal of Ta'lim al-Lughah al-'Arabiyyah is a scientific journal in the field of Arabic language education, bilingual (Arabic and English), and published by the Pascasarjana Institut Pesantren Mathali'ul Falah
INTAJIYA is Journal contains writings on the results of thoughts and research in the fields of Arabic language education such as: 1) studies on Arabic language curriculum development, 2) Arabic language learning methods, 3) Arabic language education technology, 4) Arabic language teaching material development, 5) Arabic language learning media development, 6) Arabic language learning evaluation, 7) Arabic applied linguistics, 8) Arabic language program management.
Published every April and October.
Jurnal Nazariyyat muncul dari para akademisi kampus IPMAFA yang didasari oleh harapan untuk menjadikannya sebagai ruang berjibaku secara intelektual. Tradisi intelektual meniscayakan empat serangkai membaca-mendiskusikan-meneliti-menulis sebagai satu kesatuan yang saling berkelindan. Proses membaca-mendiskusikan-meneliti-menulis pada akhirnya membutuhkan media sebagai ruang untuk mentransfer pengetahuan yang dihasilkan kepada khalayak ramai. Jurnal Nazariyyat diharapkan menjadi wahana bagi dialektika pemikiran akademisi IPMAFA dalam rangka mentradisikan literasi yang kritis dialektis.